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zarx said:
Zappykins said:

To me that doesn't sound like fun.  I purposely didn't follow some Skyrim quest just to stretch out the time playing it.

But to each their own. 

Skyrim has no ending and you can do quests in any order, plus it procedurally generated miscellaneous quests. TES games you just play until you get bored sure there is a "main quest" but it's not like the game ends you just keep going. I am afraid to say you wasted your time not doing quests to streatch it out there is a literal unending supply of them.

If it's not your type of game that's fine, but it's not like Skyrim and by a totally different developer. Think more Theif, Hitman or Deus Ex they are more apt comparisons, it's a stealth action game with a fixed end point not an open world game. 


Edit: I now realise you were probably talking about speed running through the game, oh well first half of the post still works tho lol.

Yes, I assumend Skyrim didn't end when the main quest ended.  But I did some things I really wanted to do, just to be sure.


Yes, I was talking about the speed runs and skipping all the cut scenes.  That's a good deal of the fun for me - learning the story, watching it as it unfolds, etc.  I have a relative that skips everything like a machine.  It makes me see the games is someone just moving two joysticks with their thumbs, and pushing buttons.  Like a Cliff Notes version of a game.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


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