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pezus said:
AndrewWK said:
pezus said:

Everyone talked about Drive, but that movie isn't a Hollywood blockbuster. Still an incredible movie.

Also, Gosling>>Jackman

Depends on individual opinions. And Gosling is certainly not the coolest actor in Hollywood. There is still Tom Hardy, Idris Elba, Will Smith, Liam Nesson, Chris Hemsworth, and others.

Chris Hemsworth is not cool, he is something women like but not cool per se. Idris Elba...I dunno about that one. Only remember his role in Thor lol. Will Smith is a different kind of cool, he is funny-cool. Liam Neeson is cool, I agree.

He was pretty cool in Thor and very very cool in Marvel´s Avengers. I liked him also in Cabin in the woods, even tough his role was not that big in this movie. And I have tyet to see Snowwhite and the Huntsman. Hemsworth had more wanna-watch-movies since Thor, then Gosling in his whole career. There is Gosling that I really want to see. If there is any you can suggest, then do so. It might change my opinion.

Idris Elba was in" the Wire", "The Losers ", "Prometheus" and "Rock´n Rolla". Those are no blockbusters either but he is one of the most talented actors in Hollywood. For exmple his role in Prometheus is a rather small but he steals the show whenever he is on screen. He and Michael Fassbender made me not hate this otherwise below average movie.