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KylieDog said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
I couldn't agree with you more. Iv'e played BFBC2, and I loved that game to bits just like I loved halo 3. BFBC2 (Battlefield Bad Company 2) only showed the scored and NOTHING ELSE on the score board.

But then when BF3 (Battlefield 3) came, it was all about the the kills. It was nothing about winning, just kills. As a veteran Battlefield series player, I think im eligible to say that the play style of people in BFBC2 and BF3 are different. Less objective based and more about taking care of yourself.

It is all to do with damage/health.

In a lot of old FPS games there was pretty high health, if you tried to camp then when people came into view they could usually run and find cover before dying, as such to be good you needing a good aim and needed be mobile at same to try avoid the other players fire, as well as keep them in your sights.

In most modern games, especially post-COD4 the amount of damage you do has rocketed, now you can sit and camp and as soon as someone in your sights spray a few bullets and get a near instant kill.  In most old shooters a sniper only killed with a headshot also, in many now they have snipers with a 1 hit bodyshot kill.   Gone are the days when melee/knifing took skills also, used to need be sneaky, switch to knife and aim a knife slash at a head for a insatnt kill, now people just sprint about, press a button and a knife comes from nowhere, usually with a little lock-on and/or lunge, and insta kill.

BFBC2 still had quite high health, BF3 does not.   A lot of games also boosted points for kills, I remember in old games you'd get like 1 point for a kill but 10 points for objective stuff.  Now in the time you cap a flag you can get 2-3 times that score by camping for kills.

I freaking hate that. All those insta kills that make you go like "WTF happened?".

COD is the main offender. It's all about twitch and camp and I don't like neither.

Traditionally people praise twitch shooters (Quake, Unreal Tournament) but I don't like it. It's not realistic. Real life combat is not just about fast reflexes, it's not about those 200ms of human reaction time that decides who pulls the trigger fastest.

I like Battlefield because it tries to simulate real combat tactics, where things like taking cover, using suppressive fire and using crossfire work to some extent.

In Battlefield 3, even if they decreased health like you say, when you get hit you actually often can turn back and run and survive.