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spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:
spurgeonryan said:
AndrewWK said:

Watched it a few years ago. I don´t like the Indiana Jones premise. Maybe I would enjoy if it would be in the modern time. But the Hitler time is in my opinion the worst time to make a movie in. And I have heard the 4th for garbage and the 5th is in production so I have no real interest in it. But this new Spielberg movie "War Horse" looks interesting.


btw. whats you favourit CGI movie?

Well it is basically Indiana Jones kicking Nazi ass and taking names. It is a lot of fun you should watch it again? The second one has no Nazis in it, and is more exciting. Pezus just told me on Steam that it was probably not exciting enough for you. Lol! :P The fourth one was garbage, but I have such fond memories of Indy that I can still watch it over and over for nostalgia reasons. Ledouche could be out of it though. He was horrible in it Daddio!


CGI. What do you mean? Pixar movies? AVatar type movies? I cannot say that I am up to speed on the terminology.

It had nothing to do with what Pezus said. It was more the story and Harison Ford I really don´t like him, except in one movie. I mean I was not of a fan the old Star Wars movies either.

Wiht CGI movie I mean animation like "How to train your Dragon" or "Kung Fu Panda"

Even though I love Van Damme ( they gave him like 4 lines) I loved the first Kung Fu Panda! It was great. The escape from jail scene, tight rope scene and final battle were really wonderful. How to train your Dragon was very enjoyable as well, but I have to go with the original Panda. Now if we add in Pixar things get a bit more hairy. But I will not at this time unless you do as well. What are you favs?


Harrison Ford movies that are great....

For me its Fugitive. This is the only Ford movie I really enjoyed, altough I have not watched Blade Runner or Apocalypse Now.


My favourite animations are:

1. Lion King

But I really enjoyed: Ratatouille, Wall E, Shrek 1+2 I would say they are tied on the second spot.