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The worst part about a lot of F2P games is there are so many that aren't, they are just hiding behind a trial or demo that is integrated into the actual games so they get away with calling it F2P. Essentially they are Free to Pay games. It's free at first but you have to pay later, which is fine if they advertise it as a trial but some don't. That's false advertisement, my friend. Then there are the types that charge for everything to the extent that the game's entirety costs $xxxxx.xx if you actually want what's in the game. Why is it some games are fine charging $60 but free games charge $10,000. Even subscription games are a bargain comparatively and you are bound to get better support while not having your immersion broken by a damn line of marketplace booths charging you $2.99 for a piece of code that is slightly better than the piece of code you can get for the in game currency.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(