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what a bunch of non-sensical, liberal spin. I especially like the part about employees take home wages returning to the same level they'd earned 2-3 years before an additional tax increase. wow, that's just fantastic. meanwhile, inflation has raised the price of nearly eveything else. you really don't have to be an astro-physicist to notice the gaping black hole in this logic.
and Denmark? really?.. as a fiscal model the U.S. should follow. what do they have, like maybe 72 people living there?
you realize we have 350 million right?
close the book, stop listening to your college proffesor whose existence and opinions are based in theory, and jump into the real world, with a real job and real bills. afterwards if you still think paying upwards of HALF of what you earn to the government is good tax policy, I'll come back and throw you a banana... and maybe clean out your cage.