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"He said he wouldn't lower tax's on the rich. He then said he was going to cut tax's by 20% across the board, even the rich. So since you need help understanding, I will help you. Etch a sketch!! "

How dumb do you have to be to misunderstand that statement.....He says he won't lower taxes on the rich.....then says he will CUT (which means to lower) by 20% ACROSS THE BOARD (which includes the rich)

The fact is, like someone else said in here before, that you can't trust ANY politician fully anymore. That's true. BUT you can make good decision on the lesser of two evils! One (Mitt Romney) will return our country to the same standards that Bush administration had (no mid-lower class, Uber-Rich get richer) and the other (Obama) will continue to try and restore our nation through new policies and actually tackling issues, instead of just saying he'll do them, and then not. The president can't fix everything, and he certainly can't fix everything all at once. So he has to pick and choose what he A) Wants to accomplish most and B) What he thinks he'll be able to accomplish most (despite the clear roadblock that is the republican party)

I'll be the first to admit, that the democrats don't always take care of things the way they should, but at least they are trying. Anyone who is still a republican and makes less than $100,000 a year is absolutely brain washed. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. If you can't see that, by what has gone on in our nation for the last few decades, then you are brain washed into the good ole "American Dream" speech, that anyone can have it. And the truth is, under republican rule, no you cannot! I'd like to hear honest responses from a republican follower that doesn't see it that way, AND doesn't watch FOX NEWS.

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