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pitzy272 said:
Dude ure too into politics. To each his own I guess; but, if u have full faith in any politician, ure gonna be let down almost every time. People can post just as many (likely more) negatives about Obama and the things he's done (not simply said). Obama's not horrible, but he has definitely done some weird, senseless, unexplainable, and sometimes even untrustworthy things in his 4 yrs.

U can post all the biased stuff u want I guess. Its just annoying to see someone be so naive and one-sided. Romney's got plenty of faults, but so does Obama.

Oh, and throwing out ridiculous stereotypes ("all Republicans are angry white males. All of them") really doesn't help the credibility of ur opinion. Impressively unintelligent statement, especially if ure any age even close to that of an adult.

Actually I side with the green party more then anything but have made it a point to push back against this site. Also polls do show that the republican base is white angry males, not all of them but a big part. I think you know why I said it. The point that the right has so  much biasism on this site is a joke. I'm just pushing back, thats it. Once they cut the crap, so will I.

I got banned for saying, "right wingers".  So after that I said I would post non-stop. Well the same people come in and get all bent out of shape. Funny because I  get a laugh. These same people are the ones who banned me multiple times for nonsense. So I just keep them coming. If you where to go back through the threads you would see a lot of flip flopping. I was going to post comments from the past but decided against it. I would be perma banned for sure.