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SvennoJ said:
I tried to watch Nausicaa Valley of the wind this afternoon, but I'm ashamed to say I fell asleep.
I didn't stand much of a chance. After working hard in the backyard I had a baby sleeping on one arm, and a dog sleeping against me on the other side. Nodding off was inevitable. Then the little lies come, if I just switch it to the English soundtrack I can still listen to it with my eyes closed, right :)
The beginning was great, I'll watch the rest some other time.

Recently you wrote in another thread that you grew up in the Netherlands, so there's a high chance that you're one of the few people on VGC  who know who Jean Giraud/Moebius* is.

If so, here's an interesting read, a talk between Miyazaki and Moebius from 2004 (funnily Giraud's famous pen name Moebius is spelled incorrectly in the URL):

I post this because, when I first watched the movie, parts of Nausicaä - especially the beginning where she finds the Ohmu shell - strongly reminded me of Moebius' works from the 70s (which I discovered in the early 90s). In the discussion Moebius describes what he thinks about the influence and about people who were reminded of his works when watching the movie:
Miyazaki: "... I directed Nausicaä under Moebius' influence."
Moebius: "It's true that when I saw Nausciaä... It proves that influence doesn't matter much, what matters is that there was a community, a like-mindedness of inspiration that predated the conscious meeting, that, beyond cultures and beyond time and space, lets a person meet another one and feel synchronized with her. I was stricken not by what makes us look alike, but that people could see resemblances while so many things separates us."

(*For me Giraud/Moebius was - he died this March - one of the greatest and most influential comic book artists of the 20th century, but on a UK/US site like this unfortunately all comic-related stuff that's ever discussed is US super heroes and mangas, never Franco-Belgian comics.)