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Since Prometheus is coming out tomorrow I decided to watch Alien last night.

It's the first time I've watched Alien on blu-ray, I saw it last on Laserdisc 10 years ago. Wow what an incredible transfer, there are so many new details that I never noticed before. The slow pace (perfect for this movie) and steady camera work give you all the time to soak in the details of the masterfully crafted sets. The analog sci-fi tech of the older movies is still my favorite.

The movie isn't perfect, yet all the inconsistencies have their own charm. For example the planetoid landing, the model of the ship gets lowered at a snails pace onto the ground, while the people inside seem to be experiencing a violent high speed crash. Or that 'mother' is the size of a big room with a slow archaic text interface, while they have a humanoid robot among the crew that nobody notices.

The artwork and pacing make it the best in the series, a true classic.

Prometheus will be my 2nd 3D blu-ray, only because it is the same price as the release with the 3D disc. The first was Tangled 3D, same reason. I guess I will be adding to the 3D statistics, although I have no intention of watching them in 3D any time soon.