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Kasz216 said:
forevercloud3000 said:

Yes, you can. These things are almost always under timed guidlines though, a few years and actors can do what they want. Depending on the contract you can completely ban an actor from appearing in certain mediums. In this case It doesn't seem to be THAT strict, simply that he can't advertise PS's direct competitors.......then he goes and advertises the Wii... :/

That's not a trademark.  That's a non-compete clause.   That's a totally different thing.

Also, such agreements are illegal in California.  Which is where Sony does all it's legal work and the Lawsuit is filed.

In this case, they are the same topic at hand. There are always ways around such laws. In the Wiki it states that there is a lot of vague areas where this can be abused for either side. The fact that Playstation is part of Sony Corporation and  works in all territories, they can technically try him anywhere. KB commercials were also in Japan and a few other countries you know. If this is the case, California will have to play middle man for multiple territories. I am not saying this will work, but I am sure Sony will try.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)