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VicViper said:
forevercloud3000 said:

What do you mean? Jerry Labert IS KB so they look exactly alike. I have not seen whichever ad you are referring to, but if you post it again I'll take a look. Irregardless, these clauses are put in place for a reason. No company wants to funnel millions into a spokesperson only to have them go and advertise for the enemy who would jump at the opportunity to undermine their efforts. This is a real "thing" people, people get sued for this a lot, and usually come to terms or lose. As I said earlier, there are only two things he could have been forbidden to advertise in the WORLD, Xbox and Wii. Yet he STILL got put in a commercial where the Wii is in it, this is no accident. It is blatently obvious they chose him BECAUSE of his pedigree as PS spokesman.

It's in my post you quoted. It's pre-playstation too. But here it is again . Tell if that's not Kevin Butler.

The actor acts like that... always had, always will. Sony can't copyright that. Really dick move, don't want him anymore, fine, but don't stop the guy from being funny especially in an ad that is not related to Nintendo, it's a tyre ad with a a Wii, period.

Whatever happens, bad PR, imo. But I hope they lose, because it's too preposterous to think you can copyright the way a person is (and was before playstation, he "created" that, not Sony). Like I said before too, the guy Sony fans loved, is now burned by Sony themselves

@Bolded: They can and they did, that is how companies safe gaurd themselves from bad press from similar situations. Coke doesn't want the same person who advertises them going off to undo that by working for Pepsi, same exact thing. If they let him go, or contract was just up, doesn't matter. The clauses will always say you cannot advertise for direct oppositions for a certain amount of time. He could have done commercials for ANYBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD.....except for Wii and Xbox.

That is a lot of wiggle room to still be bumping elbows, had to be on purpose. They obviously chose him BECAUSE of his stint as PS spokesperson. He is well known in the gaming world and they were trying to take advantage of that by putting him in there. Dumb, dumb, dumb! He can act just like KB wherever else he wants, but the only reason Sony was threatened was because the Wii connection. You guys want to jump down Sony's throat but they are soley in the right in this situation, at least legally speaking. Jerry Lambert broke contract by participating in advertising Wii, end of story.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)