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fillet said:
forevercloud3000 said:
The fact Jerry was in that commercial hurts the PS brand which he advertised as Kevin Butler. I am pretty sure Sony has clauses against this and Jerry should have known that from jump. Why would he even do a commercial that puts him at odds with his other job. Basically it is moonlighting for the enemy. He kinda deserves to get sued for this...but I hope they can come to a swift agreement and get him back into advertising Playstation.

That's mixing video game company fandom with real life.

Jerry Lambert believe it or not is a human being, and *shock horror* Kevin Butler isn't a real person!!!? Yes I know it's hard to believe, but he is actually just a character that is played by Jerry Lambert.

Kevin Butler doesn't own a house, he doesn't have bills and he doesn't go to work.

....Jerry Lambert however does but the problem is they look quite similar so I suppose it was easy to come to the conclusion you were watching Kevin Butler in that advert.

/Sarcastic condescending post.

I think you fail to realize I am not talking about any fan resentment, rather the corperate level betrayal that this stipulates. The only reason Jerry Lambert was picked for that Bridgestone advertisement is purely due to his run as PS's mascot. Both Jerry and NIN both know this to be a slap in Sony's face in the advertisment world. There are no doubtedly going to be stipulations in Jerry's contract that strictly forbid this sort of thing. It is very similar to tv actors being put on tight leash of which stations or tv shows they can appear in, or music artist being told which labels they can colab with aswell as artists because some will run direct intereference with their other works.....this is just like that.

So the question still stands. Why the hell would Jerry go on to do a commercial for a Nintendo(or MS for that matter) product....using similar characterizations as his Kevin Butler moniker.....knowing that would undoubtedly be a breach of contract? This lawsuit was inevitable and kind of well deserved.

As another example... If I hire you to represent CocaCola.......I better not see you next week in a Pepsi commercial. You would be asking for it....




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)