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So I'm taking an online Western Civilization class. I have a 2 page paper due in 3 days... That's no problem I can finish the paper tonight but I'm having a hard time figuring out what the teacher wants. I would e-mail him but I don't know how long it will take to get back to me since tomorrow is Sunday and the syllabus says 48 hour response time (which is cutting it short). Also, can't ask classmates since it's online I don't know any.  And facebook isn't an option because of how long the following is:

Check out this great website from George Mason University covering the French Revolution. Choose and report on one of the following topics located under 'Explore' (found on Louis XVI's forehead).

Topics: Social causes..., Monarchy embattled, The Enlightenment and Human Rights, Paris and Politics...., Women and the Revolution, Monarchy Falls, War, Terror and Resistance..., Slavery and the Haitian Revolution, the Napoleonic Experience, or Legacies of the Revolution.

Report on your topic in two pages minimum. Include the following:

1. Summary of your chosen topic (Include how this topic influenced the French Revolution and what was its historical legacy beyone the French revolution including our world today) 20 pts

2. Review of a primary source reading (found on the left margin of your topic essay), an image, or a song (both found under seperate topics in 'explore'). 10pts

Those are the instructions to first of two papers due this semester. What I don't understand is number 2.  Obviously, the majority of the paper is summerizing the subject and the events considering it's 2/3rds of the points. But what does he mean by 'review?' I'm thinking he wants me to critique it because the image or song option... If that's the case this assignment is so fucking stupid. A. what do I have to say about any of that. B. why do I give a shit about any of that. C. this class isn't meant to develop critical thinking such as a philosophy class would be. (And i've already had 4 of those) and D. It won't help me learn any of the material this class covers.

This is why I'm a biochem major. Most pointless writing assignments ever in most other majors.