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Let me guess. You think Romney's magical plan of tax cuts that supposedly pays for itself (*hint* it won't) will bring us back to the natural unemployment rate. As for your polling data, if you think skewing the polls in favor of Romney by increasing the number of Republicans represented in the poll is the right way to go, you probably have no idea of how polling works. Even Rasmussen said this would be an idiotic idea. There have been many posts already about why this idea is wrong, such as party affiliation being an attitudinal measure. Feel free to google them, but I'll link you to one post here.

Also, here's polling expert Nate Silver's explanation on why Republicans assuming the polls are biased are simply wrong.



As for your unemployment post, you have a legitimate argument to make about the economy not gaining jobs fast enough. However, conservatives even suggesting Obama might have tampered with the BLS statistics is simply crazy. You probably saw 
Ezra Klein explains it pretty well here.

If you're biased against Ezra Klein for any reason, here is another one from US News and World Report


Bottom line: This new jobs report wipes away a talking point of Romney's, 8% unemployment for however many months he usually says at campaign rallys. Whether Republicans like it or not, the economy is improving, albeit slowly.