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pezus said:
Nem said:

I very much doubt that. Many stores make midnight events just for this game and WoW has always been strong on retail... until now that is.

As the other poster said, i doubt digital sales compose 75% of sales. I think theres definitly something dodgy in those numbers. I also dont believe Diablo 3 sold 10 millions in just a few months, unless its been released in china/korea already aswell.

Thats the only way i see these numbers been possible.


The other side of that analysis is the games are alot less popular in the west than we thought. I mean... even if these numbers are undertracked... no way they are undertracked by more than a million. I think WoW has alot less players in the west than people realise due to these dodgy blizzard numbers. The sales numbers here clearly show us that the game is selling at one third the rate of the previous expansion. Even if it was cause of digital distribution, it cant be THAT much of a difference. The games sales cant have shifted to digital by 60% od what cataclysm did. It hasnt been that long ago you know...

We can also make a more recent comparison with Guild Wars 2, wich isnt typically a strong retail product, and it has sold aproximatly 900k first week. More than what WoW MoP did, and they announced 2 million sales recently. The website here rates the game at 1.15 m sold, wich means digital sales penetration to be around 45%. I dont see how MoP can have a penetration of 75%.

The key thing to remember that VGChartz numbers are not very accurate, especially for PC games. 

The GW2 devs announced 2m sold after two weeks. 

I'm the guy that said digital sales are probably not ~70-80% of the totals, but that would mean retail sales here are undertracked for many PC games.

The standard edition of Pandaland costs 50euros here in Gamestop while the Digital version you get from the blizz site costs 34.99 and it literally takes about 2 clicks to add to your account, I would have never gone for digital before but now with this expansion especially it is just so much cheaper to get it online than in a store, also because I live 1 hour off server time a midnight opening here would not have lined up to when pandaria actually went live on the wow servers, people want their wow as fast as it's available.


You might doubt or think that no one is interested in the game anymore, but you are projecting and that is no way to be going, I can tell you from experiencing upwards of 6 hour queue times to get onto our server the past week, people still love their bit of Night elf :D

:o my secret shame, I infact got the digital deluxe edition for a mount and companion pet, it was just 49euros, like.... that is the same price as the normal one in gamestop + you get the trimmins I think the special Ed of it in gamestop was closer to 80euros this time round, would be mad to get it retail.

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