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ECM said:
His plan will work? Really? How? I'd love to hear an explanation.

Also: Obama's economics are *not* trickle-down--they are 'stuff select constituencies with government cash'-down, which has *nothing* to do with trickle-down as classically understood (HINT: private versus public spending).

Let me be blunt: you vote for Johnson, you're voting for Obama (there is far, far more crossover between Republican and Libertarian voters than Libertarians and Democrats). If you're OK with that, that's great, but you could just vote for Obama and cut out the middleman.

Finally: that anyone still tosses around the 'not a dime's-worth of difference' canard proves nothing other than the person hurling it is completely out-of-touch with reality. After all, do you really think Romney is going to direct tens-of-billions of dollars into green energy boondoggles? Do you really think Romney is going to actively seek to give more money to Planned Parenthood and the like? Do you really think Romney is going to try to *shutdown* coal producers thus causing energy prices to grossly skyrocket? No, you don't, but since libertarians have nothing else to run on, they run on this silly meme that there's no difference between them.

(And I don't even LIKE Romney: he's a cardboard cut-out, but even a cardboard cut-out is better than Obama* and he's certainly better than the no hope on earth of doing anything other than helping Obama win Johnson.)

*That anyone would actually vote for this guy again after 'just' the titanic debt increase (never mind the rest of it) boggles the mind.

HEY man, your letting the cat out the bag...... LOL