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I know there are a lot of people who will defend Obama or Romney tooth and nail. The problem is that they are both the same people. They act like they care about us in the debates or during the campaign, but do you ever hear them say anything like End the FED. Stop the Bailouts or end the drug war. Both Obama and Romney never say anything like that. They never talk about letting the internet be free and stop trying to control your life. They only talk about how they will TRY to fix the economy. Yet we all know it will not work. The Republican excuse is we still have time so we can work this out. Obama idea is the Trickle-down economics that has not worked in the last 4 years.
So why not look at someone who is running in your state most likely and that is Gary Johnson. Johnson talks about things that the Other clowns (Obama and Romney) will not talk about. Gary Johnson talks about how he will fix the economy with a plain that works. Gary Johnson talks about how he will end the Wars overseas and how he will cut spending by 43 percent. The guy makes sense and tells you like it is. Also he is a liberty mined person who fallows the constitution more then the two ass-clowns. Also if your wondering Gary Johnson is a 3rd party person. If we keep voting for the lesser of two evils this country will keep falling. That is why this election cycle I say vote Gary Johnson to show the other two parties that we will not take it anymore from them.