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Soleron said:
The more interesting question I thought you were asking is: would any religion survive a resurrection of Jesus (as in, provably so). Assuming Jesus could make rulings on exactly how to be a Christian, would the "wrong" denominations with conflicting beliefs disappear? Would Islam disappear, given that it regards Jesus as A prophet but not THE prophet? Would unrelated religions disappear?

Part of me says yes, they would disappear, because if this is the second coming, it's supposed to be the establishment of God's kingdom on Earth. Presumably He wouldn't suffer false religions, so those who weren't convinced would perish.

But if we are talking about merely the return of Christ the Teacher without a new, planet-wide regime, then I think not. At least not permanently. It's in our nature to be dissatisfied with whatever we have, and it would only be a matter of time before heresies arose again and in time turned into full-blown new religions. And it seems likely that many believers of other faiths would simply find some way to synergize this resurrection with their own existing faith without recognizing Christ as the Messiah.