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Kresnik said:
MikeRox said:

I think you might want to buy it sooner rather than later. I've not seen a single high street retailer stocking the title yet. The last game like that was Cave Story 3D which is now worth about 50% more than the original £30 retail.

That said, the fact that it will always be available via PSN may mean that the retail copies aren't as sought after. I notice Katamari is still readily available for a reasonable price and I've never seen that available in a high street retailer.

But welcome to the Physical Vita club! I buy everything that gets a card release physically. Changing cards may be a chore at times, but it's nice to be able to offload them should you feel the need and I kind of like the ownership aspect, especially for something costing £40!

Definitely.  Even now, I do prefer physically owning my games wherever possible.  I'm not quite sure what it is.  Collecting maybe?

I think I will take your advice and buy it soon, though.  I might wait a week or two just to see if it changes price and then I'll buy :)

If you don't mind me asking, how much of a hassle is it switching Vita cards?

I buy physical because I can't afford not to. It has nothing to do with collection anymore, digital provides the best mode for collecting games. They are tied to your account giving you essentially limitless quanitites. Physically I am able to sell my games when finished, even though it kills me I am under the burden of student debt. Hopefully that changes soon. People make a big deal about digital, but I see it as an enhancement of ownership. I think it must be all of the Steam users who get shafted via online activiation. PSN though, that's ownership. Think about all the digital PSP games someone could have bought last gen, they can play them on Vita. That's ingrained backwards compatibiilty and as long as you hold an account you have access to whenever you want.

I will look at buying a digital title when I know I want to keep it forever and not sell it. A physical title, means far less to me now. Back years ago a physical copy meant something because digital didn't exist. Take FF7 for instance. It was selling for $140 at a local gamestore. I had my copy until someone stole it, so pissed. Anyway, after it released on PSN for $10 the price of the physical copy shot down to $20-40 relatively quickly. Same goes for all physical games, they are finite and no longer the only means of aquiring.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(