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Anecdote time... because we all need to get along.

Today, I got back from work for lunch to have a meal, and my roomie was home. I don't like to pigeonhole people, but he's definitely liberal. I was on the phone with my best friend, talking about a crappy situation at work and going over the ins and outs of it (management change). I got off the phone and my roomie wants to chat with me about it, I didn't want to, but I was nice.

I go on to tell him what was up, and he starts telling me how stuff works. I was already upset by the situation, but there he was telling me how things work, at a company he doesn't work at, about things he doesn't understand. I cut him off and told him what was actually happening, thinking to myself (don't talk about things you don't know about). The only thing he knew to say was "so is life". I try to tell him it's not that simple, and he just leaves. (as I'm doing his dishes)

My reaction was? People who don't give a hoot shouldn't ask. He pretends to be liberal-minded and not give a care, but he really is just a douchebag who cares little about what happens to me. My resolution? Not talk to him anymore, not answer his questions about what happens to me, because really, deep down, he doesn't care.

Do I think all liberals are like that? I do not. And I have proof for myself that many of my liberal friends are fantastic people. it's not good to use labels to judge people, find one conservative friend you have that is able to get along with people and has interesting things to share, and you might be shocked to discover the truth about life, that we are all human and some of us have things to share that people who judge us too quickly have no idea about.