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What is he going to do this time? Take down an ICBM in flight with his bare hands?

I didn't know what to do during that scene, laugh hysterically or turn off the movie and give up on action movies altogether. I always end up rooting for the bad guys in these movies, just die already stupid unlikable hero that won't adhere to the laws of physics, and somehow never gets hit by anything, or cares one bit about collateral damage.

The neverending story still is a great movie. I was 11 the first time I saw it. It was in school, teachers birthday, big tv in the classroom (well for 1985), curtains closed, to watch the movie with the whole class. Probably the most immersed I have ever been in a movie. Passing the sphynx gate was more scary to watch then Alien.
The movie still looks outstanding today, only the sound quality has aged poorly. Too bad the sequal didn't live up to the first one.
The books were a great read too, very original, and the water theme ride in Warner Brothers movie world Germany was a good tribute to the book too.