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I could look at the sales for RE5 but I'm what you call lazy.  A while back, I asked if Batman: Arkham City would sell more on the PS3 or the 360 and, to be honest, I never even bothered to check the final results.  Can somebody be a dear and find out for me?

On topic (don't think I won't go off topic in the OP of my own topic.  I'll do it!), Resident Evil got it's start back in 1996 on the Sony Playstation and Sega Saturn.  It's always been multi-plat, showing its face on Dreamcast, Gamecube, N64, Gameboy, and pretty much any viable platform that wasn't portable and made by Sony.  Despite Resident Evil's whore status, people have historically considered it a Playstation franchise.  So, the question is this:

Which platform do you think will sell the most copies of Resident Evil 6?  Playstation or Xbox?  Winner will be named the Grand Puba of Resident Evil or some shit.  Plead your case!


*oh, and d21lewis don't give a fuck if you think RE6 sucks or not.  that's not what d21lewis was asking.*