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For a while now SurferGirl and more recently SkaterBoy have flooded the web with rumours.

I'd like to keep a list of the Wii-related rumours to check the validity of their statements. (I'm sure Soriku believes it all as long as Kingdom Hearts is mentioned). Red will be debunked, green will be correct. Does anyone have more SG/SB rumours?

  1. Kingdom Hearts 3 will come to Wii
  2. An exclusive Metal Gear game will come to Wii, related to GBC: Metal Gear: Ghost Babel
  3. Factor5 is making Turrican for Wii, a mix between Metroid and Shadow of the Colossus
  4. Timesplitters 4 could be Wii exclusive
  5. The Suikoden franchise moves from Playstation to Wii
  6. A sequel to Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles is in the making
  7. Custom Robo will come to Wii
  8. Retro is working on a Zelda spin-off
  9. Star Fox is in development at an external developer
  10. Golden Sun won't come to Wii but to DS
  11. Mother/Earthbound could already come to Wii in 2008
  12. Animal Crossing will be released in 2009
  13. PROBE has an exclusive Wii game that will be unveiled before TGS. SEGA has an option on the publishing rights
  14. Nintendo will give the Wii a "power boost" soon
  15. Beyond Good and Evil 2 will come to Wii, PS3 and 360
  16. Mega Man will be in Brawl (we can consider that one false I guess)