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This is really hard to answer because of the VASTLY different quality trajectories the two series' have taken. Final Fantasy has hovered around high 80's/low 90's for most of its career, but no final fantasy game hit the peak that is Resident Evil 4, one of the highest ranked games of all time. However, Final Fantasy XIII and Resident Evil 5 both have mid 80's scores, which isn't bad really.

We all know I personally loathe Final Fantasy XIII with a fiery passion, but its metacritic and gamerankings scores aren't all that bad; lower than its predecessors, sure, but not horrible. it was a horrible game, but it still got pretty good reviews.

Resident Evil had a few games, peaked with 4 and has been on a decline ever since, score-wise. Based on early reviews, Resident Evil 6 is slightly worse than Final Fantasy XIII-2, but they're hovering around the same high-70 score. Of course, Resident Evil 6 is a main entry in the series and XIII-2 was a spinoff.

Technically, objectively, Resident evil has fallen farther, even though I hate FFXIII more than I hate Resident Evil 5 (which I quite liked in spite of its shortcomings).

I also think the XIII saga is just a glitch, since X and XII are two of my faves. I mean, they both had their issues, but SO many qualities to make up for them. XII in particular had so much to do, and actually had a true sense of exploration and adventure, X had a great story and some of the best written characters in the series, even both lacked world maps and true open exploration.

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