Lets see.....
Micro$oft: Its hard with them since they seemed to be always indifferent over the years with their success. Continue with their usual claim that they have the best console (and sotware) for gaming (like any other company that has nothing else to say about their products). Continue with the 360 until they announce a successor.
Sony: Still pushing for the 10yr cycle; though by this time, it would've been 8 years since the PS3 launched. You'd think by after this period of time, they would've already been in developement on their successor so they could later announce it when it's finaly been ten years. It's rather silly for them to announce the next playstation right after the ten year mark. PS2 by this time would finaly be in it's resting place (no more production) PS Vita is just hanging by a thread with a small devotion by devs who are still supporting it.
Nintendo: Wii-U would've gotten a foot hold on the market by now with either rip roaring or moderate success (since we don't know anything about its sales yet). Third party support growing, but gradualy. 3DS doing okay until some big announcements turn up in the comming months. Wii on its death bed with life support. By then, it would be only a matter of time before Nintendo ceases production and/or third party cuts its source of software. Then it would just be living off of used game sales and leave many with some fond memories.
Can't say anything about Apple (mind is blank)
But what I can say is that by 2014, much like with previous consoles before the 6th generation, used games for the 6th gen would be getting more and more scarced. When that becomes a reality, gamestop and other stores will stop selling games for the PS2, XBOX, and GC due to rarity. So if you want to rehash the past with games of yesteryear now's the time to go to your closest GS and start hunting. Because once they disappear, depending on the game, they're going to get pricey.
Which reminds me. Summer 2010 I remember going to my local gamecrazy (cause it was just closing), and I decided to see what they had. It was pretty much emtpy except for a few racks filled with an assortment of games. Then I found one game which Im glad I stumbled upon, Odin Sphere. It was the only copy left for 10 bucks. Snagged, along with Muramasa (also cheap) and ExciteBots. I would've regretted it If didn't pick it up.