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Mr Khan said:


1. lol. If anything we have far too much state control as it is, which is why states like Mississippi have more poorly-educated kids than, say, Indiana or Wisconsin. We need to go the Japanese route on education: all power to the department of education which dictates directly to the school districts, with no local school boards and no state control in education.

One of the things the Japanese have gotten right, in any event.

2. The simplest approach here is an "all of the above" energy strategy, which focuses on cultivating existing energy infrastructures while slowly tightening carbon emissions regulations, and putting more R&D into sustainable solutions. Coal and oil in the short term, nuclear as a mid-term investment, wind, solar, and biodiesel as the long-term solutions.

3. In simplest terms, the UN has no authority over the United States. There is no good reason for us to leave the UN, since it is a tool through which we can excercise our diplomatic power (through the security council. Much as everyone bitches about Russian/Chinese obstinance, we do it too when it suits our interests). Most of what the UN is able to do is generally some common-sense stuff, like UNESCO or providing peacekeeping forces in nonaligned third world countries where they are generally most useful. The whole "UN is a socialist threat to America" is such utterly false crap.

1. This is 100% True. Japan, South Korea, Germany, and the Scandanavian Countries lead the world in terms of Education. USA is far behind.

2. Nuclear is not a good mid-investment. It takes wat 10-20 years to construct a nuclear power plant? Solar power is only just behind coal in efficiency now. Build a few large scale plants and it will jump ahead fast. R&D also generates a lot of jobs.

3. I agree. Also as an example, didn't the UN turn the USA down when they requested to invade Iraq, but the USA did it anyway and even had the UK help out?

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