Kenology said:
I have such a man-crush on Galaki.
Only problem is the Vita doesn't have a companion systems like the PS3 had in the 360. If the PS3 benefited tremendously from 3rd party 360 ports in the early goings. The Vita doesn't have that luxury, with 3DS having sown up exclusives. |
Wouldn't Vita's companion be the PS3? I think you mean competitor with similar specs, but the Vita can have ports from the 3DS easily so I'm not sure how you are making this connection to sales. Would the PS3 have sold less if there wasn't a 360? I highly doubt that. When you say this do you mean it allowed the PS3 to have a larger selection of games than it otherwise would have had if their only competing system was the Wii? Ok, but developers stil had to code for PS3 regardless of it being made on 360 first and I don't believe developers would have avoided the PS3 if the 360 wasn't there. The Vita has a lot of games and among those there are ports from other systems, though I will hand it to you that it lacks ports from handheld games. If the PS3 ports don't count though I'm not sure if the situation you describe has anythinv to do with it.
Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(