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richardhutnik said:
McDonaldsGuy said:

Obama has no clue what he's doing. In this video, he criticized Bush for "taking out a credit card from the bank of China" and "driving up our national debt." In Bush's 8 years of Presidency, Bush racked up a phenomenal $4 trillion in debt. That was the record.

That was the record. Obama has no racked up $7 trillion in debt in just 4 years. God knows what will happen when he is re-elected - god help us.


Obama is clueless as hell, as was Bush - but they are anti-American so they can get away with it. Someone who wants to SAVE America has no chance at the Presidency. Here are some ways to help save the American economy

- Tariffs

Tariffs ensure that the home country has the best advantage over outside competitors. Everything is made in China now - even American flags. Tariffs keep the jobs at home. Free trade just allows companies to ship jobs out of the country and use a cheaper labor force to produce goods then sell them here.

- Protectionism

Protectionism is important because America has run five straight record trade  deficits and has caused 3 million manufacturing jobs to be lost, with thousands of factories gone. Nations rise on economic nationalism, then they descend on free trade. If you run a trade deficit year after year like America is the nation will eventually go bust and other countries who have had a trade surplus year after year will have bought everything of value in America with their surplus cash at knockdown prices. China now holds over a trillion dollars in U.S. bonds and about 1.5 billion in USD.

- End illegal immigration

The stereotype of an illegal immigrant is someone who works in agriculture. No longer is that stereotype true - illegals now work in blue collar type jobs such as an electrician, a construction worker, a plumber, in the factories America does have, etc. etc. then they dominate the hospitality industry in many U.S. states. In fact, only 3% of illegals work in agriculture! California has a crumbling economy because of this issue. If we put a halt to illegal immigration and enforce laws, our economy will slowly spring back up.

There are other ways as well - raise taxes, cut spending, rebuild our infrastracture, etc. etc. but these 3 are HUGE and require immediate attention!

What do you guys think?

You may want to check the global trends regarding manufacturing jobs and then decide what globalization has to do with it. 

In regards to stopping imports, here is a question: Is it a good a idea for the world's largest exporter of goods and services to block imports?  That, FYI, is the United States:


In regards to immigration, you can look into that, but America is a country of immigrants.  You could have a similar effect on it, if you strictly enforced minimum wage laws, and fined employers heavily who broke them.

The problems with the U.S economy is pretty deep, and the world overall.  You need to look at trends in how labor demands all over have declined, and also see the effect of having an economy based around debt.  In short, there is no simple answers, including a crunch on resource if the likes of China and india decide they want to have modern middle-class lifestyles.  Yes, add sustainability to all this to.

I wouldn't be stopping imports - I should make it clear I want selective tariffs. That's my fault. Basically, tariffs on Chinese goods mostly. I wouldn't put a tariff on say PlayStation, BMW, or Nestle for example.

And America was built on legal immigration for people who came to live and love America, not illegals who hate America and undercut American workers.

All I know is that America is in for a ride, and something needs to be done.