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kain_kusanagi said:
I want a 10% flat tax with no exceptions.
What do you mean flat tax?  Do you mean everyone pays the same income tax rate and that capital gains are also taxed the same way?  All taxes are equal?  Elaborate since this is a bit obscure to me.

I mean a flat 10% tax on all earned income of all kinds. If you earn $1 then you pay $0.10, if you earn $1,000,000 then you pay $100,000. No loopholes, no deductions. It doesn't matter if you make millions a year or a measly hundred bucks. Everyone pays 10% and there's no way out of it.

This is definitely a regressive tax.  This is a horrible idea because 10% from a family with a lower income is a much larger percentage for them than for those who are rich, because part of that money they are paying in taxes end up being money they need.  If they can barely afford to pay their bills, and you tax them for 10% of their income, they will not be able to survive.  It also isn't their fault that they cannot make enough money.  Our system is created so that SOMEBODY has to be down there.  Unless you mean to say you want these people to die out, in which case new people get kicked into that area. 

 I want a huge cut in government costs. That means closing crap like the Department of Education. It's hard to cut things that some people see some value in.  There are benefits in certain things that we keep.  If we do what we say benefits most people, then what we're also saying is that we neglect the minority.

This isn't a list of things that can easily be done in politics. This is a list of things I want. The US government is too big and costs too much. The founding fathers didn't want the state to run everything. The US government is only supposed to protect our boarders, enforce the law, and uphold the constitution. Every year the government gets bigger, costs more, and regulates more of our lives. Education should be handled locally.

When I say "hard" I mean you can't just neglect others.  How would you feel if you were a part of a minority group and the government stopped supporting some program that helped you out so it can pay for a majority you aren't a part of?  It would suck, especially if having that program didn't effect others anyway.  As for education, I do believe it should be handled locally, but supervised by the federal government.  

I want all foreign aid sent to our enemies to end. If people need our help, we can help them, but we need to stop borrowing money from China to send to Egypt while they hate us. I do not know much about this issue, but I do not think that this would help us much in the long term whether we stop it or not.  This could be done solely for publicity.  

It's a waste of money and I hate money being wasted.

Well, it may not necessarily be wasted money.  Foreign relations can reap benefits for us as a nation.  

I want taxes on imports to make outsourcing cost more than running factories in the USA.
I'm a little tired, but doesn't this result in inflation?

We currently let other countries charge us far more for import/export than we charge them. Apple has everything they make built in China. How does that help anyone but China?


This is in no way a simple matter.  I know you're saying these are what you want to be done, but they aren't really realistic at all.

I want unions to have less power. We have all the worker's rights laws we need, now unions do nothing but costs us all money.
I do not know for sure how much power unions have, but working conditions are not consistent and there are a lot of holes in these sorts of things.  A lot of nasty things still happen to factory workers.

Unions have their place as small local worker advocacy groups run by workers. But giant multinational unions are in it for money. The only thing they care about is union dues.

I guess?

I want term limits for congress.
I do not think this will impact much in the end.

So what? We need less career politicians getting kickbacks and more good honest people in government who just want to do what's best for the nation.


I don't think "good honest people" would come about as a result.  I also don't think we can really say they are "kicking back" and don't care about the nation.  Business has more power than the government, so the businesses tend to control a lot of the government as well.  This is more of an "industry" issue than a government one, to me.

I want all our fuel resources utilized. That goes for oil, coal, coal to oil, wind, solar and most importantly nuclear.
This is a debatable issue depending on your views.  There are many conflicting issues on how to use our resources and whether or not we should even care about this.  I'm supporting this view, especially about utilizing nuclear.  However, the people are highly against nuclear due to its "potential" risk if anything were to go wrong, however low those risks may be.

Like I said above. This is a list of what I want. If I could I'd install a reactor in my basement. That's how safe it is.


We already do have nuclear reactors in the USA.  However, realistically after the nuclear power plant issue in Japan, a lot of people started losing more faith in using nuclear for energy.

I want congress to stop stealing money from Social Security.
Not sure if I heard about this.  Source?

President Johnson was the first president to start using the Social Security Trust in the general budget. Since then the government takes what it wants form the SS Trust and pays it back later. It's like barrowing, but they pay it back with money they barrow or tax. So we end up having to pay back our own Social Security Trust Fund. What happens if the government can't find the money to pay it back? Bye Bye Social Security.

I can't really comment on this.  Social Security does take up a lot of money.  However, we're kind of stuck with it.

I want the USA to leave the UN. The security council is a joke.

No comment.

China and Russia veto nearly all proposed humanitarian military actions. Sometimes it costs thousands of lives before the US and NATO go in anyway while the UN makes phone calls.

Can't say I know what's going on here.  I don't see the whole story.