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I really wasn't trying to derail the thread; I suppose my original post was a little bit questionable, however.


Your points are indeed fair. Really, I just feel let down with how little of an advance Guitar Hero III was compared to II; it's even a step back in some ways. It's like Neversoft was just phoning it in. When you look at the note interface, the stage interactions and the customizable characters in Rock Band, not to mention Band World Tour, there's so much more advancement than there was in GHIII. The characters and animations in Guitar Hero III are just awful.

Guitar Hero sold better than Rock Band mainly on the strength of its brand name and lower price; everyone I know who has played all three Guitar Hero games was disappointed by the third, and everyone I know who has played Rock Band has loved it. This is only my own personal anecdotal evidence, of course.

And, for the OP:

I would absolutely LOVE to see something by The White Stripes in Guitar Hero 4. Any song. I don't care which. Just PUT THEM IN. (Okay, Ball and Biscuit would be my first choice.)

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.