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I'm not a pessimist so I think the government is actually trying to help us. I won't vote for the "lesser of two evils", I'll vote for the candidate with a similar mindset as my own knowing that 12 months from now every campaign promise will be out the window. Both candidates say they will decrease the deficit by x many dollars and so on but the government isn't a one man show. I'll I need to know is that the president will try to guide the country in a direction I agree with.

In 2010 a third party received 36.7% of the vote for Colorado governor. The republican candidate only received 11.1% while the democratic candidate won with 50.7%. It was a strange election with the republican runner up going independent but it shows nothing is set in stone.

Getting rid of the electoral college or doing some strange setup won't change the results of an election. In my opinion the best solution is getting three votes instead. This would really break up the two party system and give independents a chance.

P. S. Neither candidate is the "anti-christ" as many people seem to believe. For every American that hates what Obama is doing and is getting screwed over by it, there is an American that couldn't be happier. Sadly the president can't please everyone.