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richardhutnik said:

Here is a reality about the government: It grows and does more, whenever the body politic demands a problem get addressed and it fails to act of its own collective will, to address issues.  So, let's look at this more in general.  Care to show the Paul Ryan solution to ending training people to fish?  Sorry, but, proposing nothing and presuming that the issue of getting people trained will take care of itself is not a solution, it is neglect.

What is YOUR solution to getting people taught to fish?  Care to name what they should train in, and how they will pay for it?  If you can't do that, you neither care to give a man to fish, or teach him how to fish.  You would rather he die of neglect via starvation.  Hey, we need to cull down the incompetent losers after all.  Drive them to kill themselves and then lower taxes.

Oops. You caught me. Yep, I want everyone to starve to death. That's what always happens under economically liberal systems, after all. Good thing we're going more and more towards a centrally planned economy. No one ever starves under those. (Well, except for everyone. But never mind them. They just didn't believe in fairies hard enough.)