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Riot Of The Blood said:
twesterm said:
It depends on the game, but in general B.

Sadly, this isn't that great of a poll since you're not really getting a true random sample of all PS3 owners.

If you could somehow do a random sample of what's important about their PS3, I guarantee you the vast majority of the answers would be Games? it's an awesome DVD/BluRay player (which it is) or because of the tight 1080p HD graphics or something hip like that.

 I disagree with you. Note: Right now the PS3 has a userbase simualar to what Nintendo has with their consoles.

If you were to ask people why they they like the PS3, I bet this would be their exact answer would be: "I have always been a Final Fantasy fan ever since FF7, so I had to get the PS3." I grew up with playstation, and I like GTA." "Metal Gear SOlid is going to rock!"

You have to remember that there are people who started gaming with playstation. Just take a look at Europe. Playstation is in a class with Nintendo.  

 its also a matter of what you ask. If you ask What reasons do you choose to by the games you do you could very well get everything listed in this poll as well as brand name and hype.

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