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You doesn't bother me at all.

A lot goes into getting games into other territories.

First there the whole concept of production/supply. Seems to me I remember something about SSBB being in short supply in the land of the rising sun. WiiFit....ditto. Mario Kart Wii....most likely. And that's just one territory. Wanna have to pay an ebay premium to play SSBB in its first month? don't come translated/localized. This isn't something you rush...otherwise all your base are belong to us.

Also....have you ever thought of how they essentially make the Japanese the guinea pigs for their products. Take for instance all those dirty Wiis in Japan. Must be a lot of smokers....that or something happened in production that will most likely be fixed between their launch and ours.

I will conclude by the most obvious of answers....just hold your damn horses.
Nintendo rocks our socks. I'll let them call the shots.