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sethnintendo said:
Kasz216 said:
sethnintendo said:
Kasz216 said:

Yeah... unless the anxiety attacks, panic attacks, loss of reality and paranoid delusion cause you to have a heart attack or any other number of deadly side effects....

I mean... use some common sense here.

Still not buying it.  I can't come up with any related death from the withdrawal.  If she was going to die then she would have probably died at the rave or hours after it not days later.  You die from intake of the drug not from withdrawal symptoms.  Him flying all the workers to NYC, setting up a command post, getting news involved sounds like it would take at least 2-3 days after she took the drug. 

So in otherwords, you continue to keep judging a situation which you know nothing about.... using a medical case... you know nothing about...  disregarding the statement of the doctor who treated her over something you read on google.

If her doctors said "She probably would of died if she didn't make it to the hospital in another day."

I'm gonna take there word for it personally.


I can also judge it by the other bullshit stories like him saving the people from drowning.  So they didn't have life jackets on a boat, they didn't know how to swim, and there were no other boats around to help (which later it states that other people were helping).  I consider this blown out of proportion.  Sure he is perhaps a nice guy or did some decent things but it isn't like he ran into a building that was on fire and saved a baby.  I am not trying to downplay entirely what he did but I am not going to act like he is some kind of hero which this story is trying to make him into.

Where did you pull those doctor quotes from?  I don't see them anywhere in the article. Okay, I see after clicking on three different links.  So she was overdosing not having withdrawals.  You see words matter a lot especially when it comes to drugs.  So she was overdosing in another teen's basement who apparently didn't have any adult supervision.  Perhaps if she and her friend weren't so stupid they would have at least went to the hospital.  So don't try and  jump on me when the article is poorly written.  There is a big difference between overdose and withdrawal.  Now, I am expecting you to tell me that the people on the boat that were about to "drown" were all limbless.

I tried explaining to you that the article was poorly written, but I was not to be believed evidently :)