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Basically Romney quite often gets smeared as a nasty filthy rich mean guy that dosn't care about the average American. Thats part of the campaign strategy against him.

These stories are just simply showing that he is actually a decent guy that has a record of helping people in need and those less fortunate. He is a charity guy. He regularly gives to charity.

The point of it is to counteract the slime and smear campaign about his character to show that its not true. In Reality helping others and giving a large percentage of ones income in charitable donations is in fact more of a rarity in society. For instance Romney's percentage of charitable donations put people like Joe Biden to shame. Just look up how much Biden gave to charity in comparison. Its nothing to be proud about.

weather you agree or disagree with him on his policies is besides the point. It just shows at his core he is a giving person and thats all.