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adriane23 said:
Khuutra said:
adriane23 said:
Now just Vesperia is needed. I hope ME1 wasn't over-hyped by its fan base like No More Heroes was. Nintendo could've kept that shit.

ME1 is the worst game in the series in almost every way, but it's important for the contextualization of the universe and for understanding the growth of different characters throughout the series (Lair of the Shadow Broker won't be nearly as meaningful without seeing how Liara is in the first game; even though she's a bit of a throwaway in ME1, it contributes to her growth as the best-written character in the series)

It's not going to knock your socks off, but if you haven't played ME2 and ME3 then it's the perfect introduction to the universe

I honestly can't fathom it being worse than ME3 (For the conclusion and fake urgency alone), but I'm guessing you're talking about graphics, character design, and gameplay? Hopefully, it'll be free or discounted for PS+ members.

Mass Effect 1 is the polar opposite of ME3 for me. I view both games as flawed but one was a great game ME1. The other, ME3, was woefully average. The terribly executed ending was blessing in disguise for EA/Bioware. Everyone focused on the ending so intensely that they completely ignored the other glaring flaws in the game.

Limited dialog options: The neutral dialog option is all but eliminated in ME3. Not only that the game has features an incredible amount of auto dialog. It's a shame becuase the reputation system actually made roleplaying your Shepards personality much easier. Unfortunately ME3 lacks to choices to define Shepard as your own like it did in the first two titles.

ME2 Squadmates marginalized: Mordin and Legion matter. Everyone else ME2 doesn't. At least Grunt and Thane has legitmate reasons for not joining you. Can't say the same for everyone else. They give a senseless reason or no reason at all for sitting on the sidelines.

  • Miranda's content is a redux of her ME2 loyalty quest. Her reasons for not joining Shepard, when Shepards also after Cerberus is BS. She was TIM's second in command, you don't recruit to help you try to figure out what Cerberus is up to? She doens't want to take you away from your mission, but she repeatedly messages you to come to Citadel. Which takes you away from your mission. Why? For help with tracking down her father, after telling you she'd take care of it on her own the first time you meet with her.
  • Jacob is completely out of character. Bioware even to managed to forget he's biotic. While he's running through that hail of bullets on Gellix, he forgets to throw up a barrier. He tells you that he can't come with you, that has to make sure the scientist and families are safe. So after they are safely hidden away at the Crucible project. He just hangs around Huerta memoriam. Bonus fail points for the how they handed his romance with femshep.
  • Samara actually says she's going to join you after Shepard helps her save Falere at the Ardat-Yakshi monastery.  When you meet her on the Citadel she says going to the front lines where she's needed "most".  Bullocks. Shepard fails, everyone dies. She's needed most on the Normandy. You know helping Shepard stop the Reapers.
  • Morinth just gets turned into a generic Banshee. What was the point of even making her recruitable in ME2.
  • Zaeed is taking any job he can get that will pit him agianst Cerberus. He sees Shepard is after Cerberus. So what does he do? Lean against the a crate on the Citadel repeating the same line of dialog over and over again.
  • Kasumi says she's not letting Shepard rope her into a suicide mission again. That would be nice...if that were true. She contacted Cerberus in ME2 to see why they were tracking her down. She then voluntarily signed up for the suicide mission in exchange for help with getting Keiji's graybox from Donovan Hock.

Side Quests: The side quest implemenation was poor. Shepard eavesdrops on people andyou get a quest a fetch quest and that's pretty much it. This ties back into the limited dialog wheel. In ME1 and ME2 you actually got to talk to NPCs, does some investigative dialog, and then you went or your quest. To top it off. Mass Effect 3's quest journal is atrocious. What make sit worse is that the first two games had a pretty good journal. In ME3, it journal often doesn't tell you where to go and worse i doesn't update as you complete steps of the quest.

Ashley Williams: This has nothing to do with whether you like her character or not. Her content was severely lacking. The first half of the game is fine. After the coup, she basically says "Hey Shepard" 90% of the time. Its' worse that ME2 Garrus  and he constant calibrating.

Javik: He was originally part of the core game and was stripped out of the game and turned into Day One DLC. I mean I know online passes piss people off but ME3 has multiplayer, what was the point of turning character so important the lore into an additional online pass. I know the reason was money but it doens't make it right.

Ah it's late. I have to get up early to go to work. Sorry for the incomplete rant.