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It's funny, people bitch about the Vita having no games, how its launch lineup was shit, and how the best games on the system are all ports, yet the WiiU launch lineup is released and it has much of the same pros and cons, and people are praising it.

Not that I think the WiiU's Launch is poor (I actually think it's damn good), but the fact that people were (are) quick to shit on Sony and the Vita yet turn around and praise Nintendo for the same reason they shit on Sony is just hilariously sad and pathetic.

I believe the F-word is banned, but holy shit fanboys.

And to make it worse, I was mocked for 'white knighting' the Vita every chance I get. Of course I white knight it, The Vita gets a LOT of undue hatred and criticism in spite of being an awesome system. Anyone who follows me closely will notice I basically stand up for anything that gets a lot of hatred (Stand up for the Wii when people are Wii Bashing even though I don't like the Wii, do the same for the PS3, 360 and Vita and 3DS).

I think at this point it's safe to say I do in fact like Sony and their products the most, but as my signature says, I'm a varied gamer. I play and love all my systems, but that doesn't mean there aren't pro/con balances for each.

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android