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Phenom doesn't understand but theres a reason Sony has 60 million+ consoles and will get over 80 million in the long run. Its obviously a well balanced list of games, blu ray and more going from first party to third (which was a huge list). This is a number Nintendo would've never been able to reach unless they were in second place, but third? No. Sony kept Nintendo under forty million in sales for two generations as they expanded the market. Its amazing that Sony has sold sixty-six million. That is obviously apart of Sonys ability to expand the market. Nintendo expanded the market further into higher casualization which is why disparity between the core and casual is was way larger on the Wii than the PSX or PS2. Having certain titles sends a message to people. The Wii U is quickly baiting me in as a consumer, but what Happy is saying couldn't hurt. A lot of people left Nintendo during the N64 era because of the quality of games on Sonys console in its first generation. Of course I had both but Sony had my attention 70% of the time while owning both. With games like Bayonetta and Zombie U I am quickly falling for Nintendos offer (plus the fact that I can add a TB to the HDD). Im not saying Nintendos console will be my primary console (it obviously won) but I think I'll give it a chance this time around having more mature games that I like to play around. I wouldnt hurt to play an HD Zelda to boot.