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RolStoppable said:

Yes, that's personal taste. You keep running into trouble with other people, because you try to (intentionally or not) pass off this personal taste as an objective quantity. And who's to say that I shut off the themes of games in order to enjoy their gameplay? I don't feel offended by these themes, that's why I can enjoy these games without problems.

I'd like you to name these exclusives that the Wii U will be missing.

I edited my post to add a bit more details, if you have the interest of going over the last two paragraphs.

I understand that this is a question of taste, and I also realize that I may lack the exposure to make a proper judgement.

For example, I recently played Assassin's Creed and was blown away. Had I made the judgement prior, I would have used my perception of what the game was to judge it, and the judgement would've been incorrect.

Having said that, as for personal taste, what makes you say that Super Metroid is a classic, what makes me say it? It's the fact that we both agree on each others' personal taste, that the game is in another league than most other games we've played, be it due to top-notch gameplay, fantastic graphics and art, sublime music and excellent sound effects, and an intriguing plotline. We both perceive it.

I perceive something similar for SotC, and other great games I have enjoyed in the past, such as Final Fantasy I and IV, and Megamans 2 and 3, OoT and Metroid Prime. Even when I listen to the music of MM 2 and 3 today, and compare it to the music of the later MMs (4 to 7), I notice a difference in quality. It's that edge I'm talking about.

If your specialty is noticing quality gameplay, mine is noticing quality art design, themes and story. So it may be personal taste, but in my experience it has served me well in getting insights on what people prefer, and helps me explain the numbers I see (in this occurence, the total Wii Global HW sales numbers, and my outlook on WiiU sales numbers).

As such, I believe it would be to Nintendo's advantage to take a look at what Sony did in those games and try to integrate that edge in their games, like I showed with the NSMBU shot, there is some depth to that backdrop that was not in previous NSMB entries. Even if it's for kids, it can benefit from that depth and compelling art choice.