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DareDareCaro said:
dj2one said:
DareDareCaro said:
dj2one said:
Wow I am interested to see the busiest members list once this is updated. I am at almost 350 point since the last update might be up there with the big boys this time. Should be done Resistance Burnin Skies tonight will be my fourth plat since the last update and almost done Bioshock 2 which would be 5.

Working on Spec ops the Line as well got the fubar difficulty to go which I have hear is real tough.

I just quit the plat on Spec Ops because of FUBAR.  It's pretty hard but that's not the real problem.  The gameplay (cover system) can get really frustrating and the loading times...  In some places you will play 10 seconds then die then waits for 1 minute looking at the loading screen.  After 20 rounds into that cycle, I quitted.

How many chapters in were you when you quit? I didnt have any probs with suicide mission difficulty at all until chap 13 than breezed through chap 14 I cant see myself quitting if I get that far again before hitting a wall.

Just like you, I didn't have any problem on suicide except the 2 parts in chapter 13.  Fubar is an other thing.  You will die frequently in 1 or 2 shots.  I quit in chapter 6.  It's doable but I got really bored with the loading times...  I was simply not enjoying it.  I hate to quit but when I do not have fun anymore with a game I prefer to hop on another one.


Check this out for the lol:

Rage Quit - Spec Ops: The Line - YouTube

I finished up the plat on Spec Ops last night, some parts were really frustrating but the check point system is pretty good and I would just take some time off if I got stuck on anything. Basically got through the whole campaign with out too many deaths and  got through the one part in chap 13 that was my problem in suicide mission difficulty (the heavy coming out of the crashed plane along with like 20 other elite guys) after only 3 or 4 tries.

I got caught up at different places in fubar chap 13 and 14 more grenade spam and the heavy gun in chap 14 would kill you in one shot which made the last section very hard. I was only ready to rage acouple times lol.