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phenom08 said:
pezus said:
phenom08 said:
pezus said:

Get out of this thread and stop replying to me if you can't do it without including childish retorts. That's me asking.

I'm not being childish you just can't take the heat. You are only preparing your excuse for when it underperforms. Don't worry we'll be calling when it comes no where near dominance. Why not extend your prediction into 2013? How about the PS3 will win 2013 as well. I'm sure you aren't worried.

Do you have reading problems? I already said I think Wii U will sell the most in 2013.

Do you think the PS3 can outsell the WiiU during launch week? Like the 3DS did to the Vita in Japan when it launched. Also why don't you count the 3DS? Home consoles can outsell handhelds, just ask the PSP and Vita.

You don't seem very well informed so you probably don't know the 3ds was cheaper than the 7 year old psp when the vita launched. Also the ps2 outsold every handheld nintendo has ever made so i think we all know how that works. He made a thread about home consoles. Fucking deal with it.