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Farsala said:
Kynes said:
ninetailschris said:
pezus said:
ninetailschris said:
Who cares about the new model besides sony fans in the first place?

If you were going to buy a ps3 it's not going to be because of the slim.

I don't know...

Something tells me this will be a huge seller. FIFA boosts the PS3 each year, but what happens when a sexy-looking model releases along with it?

Or they can buy PS3 slim a cheaper price and buy the game. 

As some have said on here said it isn't sexy. The ps2 slim was sexy this is just weird looking. Plus I believe most people who buy FIFA already own a ps3 or xbox360. If they don't I don't see why they don't buy the cheaper xbox360 and game which I believe would save them money. Unless they want live but even then you get a free game bundled with every Xbox360 so you save money in the long run.

Pezus says it's sexy looking on every thread he can, so it must be true. It doesn't matter that it's being destroyed in forums because it's an aberration, If Pezus says it's sexy-looking, then it's sexy-looking

People can have opinions lol. IMO lookswise original phat>SS>slim.

He has to push it being sexy on us, so when it underperforms, he can say the "casuals" are dumb for not buying it, even though its a complete rip-off. I see it doing ok, less than last year and clear proof of the PS3 being on its way out. Definitely not making it to 100M now.