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phenom08 said:
Nope it's set to get dominated. The Super Slim was a major disappointment, came with a price increase or is just a plain horrible deal. I think it's pretty safe to say the PS3 will definitely not sell the most this year(3DS) and it's screwed next year. I guess Sony is finally paying for all those millions of profits spent on saving a failure that could never make it back.

ha ha, I absolutely love your comments. I totally agree that Sony will get dominated this holiday season. Sony absolutely has lost the plot, I mean what in the hell is the point of releasing a redesigned PS3 only to have it exactly the same price as your last redesign? What that means it there is abosolutley no incentive to buy a slimmer than slim but no chaper PS3 other than the fact that its, err slimmer?

As for sales, with Nintendo's preorders alone for the Wii U, they will outsell the PS3 slim and PS3 slimmer than slim but no cheaper, ha ha. Next thing you know Sony will release a new Vita, and forget to drop the price,...wait, they already did!

As for Microsoft, all Halo fans already have 360s, so not much of a boost for this console, but game will sell a lot. But the 360 will beat out the slimmer than slim but no cheaper PS3, but both will ultimately come in behind the Wii U.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

I love My Wii U, and the potential it brings to gaming.