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phenom08 said:
pezus said:
mitlar37 said:
Good job Kow, keep it up. I know it's hard to post anything that's the least bit negative on this Sony dominated site. Just keep the flame shield on and charge forward as I for one enjoy reading facts and not spin.

Actually, it's not very hard. Just go into the global sales threads each week and see the magic.

True, Sony fans usually steer clear of that thread since they have nothing to celebrate. ;)

Anyways keep it up Kowen, I just told Mummel to take a look at this thread because to much non sense come from unimformed posters.

Yes, you have showed your clearly superior intellect in your discussions with me with deep analysis and clever language. This thread is your be-all, end-all? You don't think I look at sales numbers myself? You don't think I have in the last five-six years?

You keep calling me uninformed but I am fairly certain that the majority of this site does not share that view. I see diverging, dying and blossoming markets ahead and you don't like what it represents. To be honest; neither do I, I don't want gaming to become a layman's brainfart meant for five minutes on the bus and with little depth but this is the direction certain parts of the market is heading in.