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lilbroex said:
Mazty said:
lilbroex said:

Lets pull out some more standardized stats.

What was the peak polygon perfomance for the GTS 7900 and the Radeon X1600?

Lets compare that to the peak polygon performance of the 6760.

Ignoring the APU architecture of the PS3 are you?

The PS3 GPU is a downgraded 7900(stated by Nvidia themselves) so I'm being generous by comparing it to the full scale modal.

This is an estimate anyway as no console uses a stock GPU. Stop nitpicking at meaningless things.

So yes you are ignoring the APU architecture of the PS3. 
There's no point discussing this if you are only going to look at half the components. 

Plus don't forget the Wii U has two screens to output too. If you know much about multiscreen gaming, the card they are using is going to be very heavily loaded and therefore the main output will be hampered greatly by it.