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TheSource said:

"This is what Nintendo has always done really save for Wii.

NES was a super 1982 standards when it came out in 1985.

SNES was a super 1989 standards when it came out in 1991.

N64 was a super 1994 standards when it came out in 1996.

GC was a super 1999 standards when it came out in 2001.

Wii was a super 2000 standards when it came out in 2006.

Wii U is a super say, 2009 standards when it comes out in 2012.

Nintendo's model assumes profitable hw + mass consumer adoption + strong internal games = massive profit. Wii came at the most difficult time in Nintendo's history so they spent less on hw than usual"

For once im going to fully agree with Turkish and say......WHAt?!?!? and i would like to add....IS THIS?!?!?!