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Pavolink said:
MDMAlliance said:

What do you mean?  It has 480 processors for shading.  It has 480 semi-cores.  

For non tech-y guys like me, I have some questions. Maybe you could help:

-In comparision with PS360, is it "better" or just an "ok upgrade"?

-Could it handle games form next generation?

-Is it enough modern to get support from the new engines?

-Could this mean a new Wii, ithe context of different architecture compared to the other consoles?

-Could it handle PC downports?




Andrespetmonkey said:

SD confirmed.

Not Wii HD.


Like my previous post said, it is stronger than current consoles.  I think it could handle heavy PC games like Metro, Crysis, and BF3.  However they would definately be in 720p with medium settings.  So overall yes it can handle PC downports, but probably for only a year.