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SamuelRSmith said:

Those aren't conservative policies. Bush wasn't a conservative.

It is conservative in the sense that it's more of the same, but not in the sense of the false dichotomy of conservatism/liberalism.

OT: It seems to me that the Democrats have also reached the end of their rope. All they know how to run on is more free stuff and also taxing them dirty ol' richers. Problem is, the Democrats' proposed tax hikes will only rake in about $80 billion a year. Not nearly enough to even close the deficit, let alone to pay for all the "investments" they want to make or for the swelling of the welfare rolls now that Obama has gutted Clinton's reform. This has been their MO for about a century now, so it'll be interesting to see where they go from here. I'm betting they'll continue to deny reality for as long as possible, but if Obama wins a second term, the shit is going to hit the fan on his watch. And everyone will find out just what Maggie Thatcher meant when she said, "The problem with socialism is that it's fucking stupid, you daft cunt."